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Sue Salach-Cutler and Fran Piekarski co-host this podcast on the challenges caregivers face when helping their loved ones. Each episode is committed in ensuring that our listeners, and those they care for, live a life with dignity, no matter their mental or physical state. We advocate for our listeners in a system that grows more complicated each year.

Mar 14, 2023

Strategies for Moving Your Loved Ones #38

Caring for an elderly loved one and moving them to a new home can be a challenging task.

  1. Start with a plan: Develop a detailed plan for the move, including a timeline, budget, and a list of tasks that need to be accomplished. Identify any specific needs or preferences your elderly loved one may have regarding their new home.

  2. Communicate: Keep open lines of communication with your elderly loved one throughout the process. Include them in decision-making and listen to their concerns and preferences. This can help alleviate any anxiety they may have about the move.

  3. Declutter and downsize: Help your loved one go through their belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. This can be an emotional process, so be patient and empathetic. Remember to give them enough time to sort through their possessions.

  4. Enlist help: Don't hesitate to ask for help from friends, family, or professional moving services. This can reduce your workload and help you focus on providing emotional support to your loved one.

  5. Ensure safety: Prioritize safety in the new living environment. Install grab bars, non-slip mats, and good lighting to minimize the risk of falls. Make sure any necessary medical equipment is easily accessible and in good working order.

  6. Create familiarity: To help ease the transition, recreate familiar spaces from their previous home in the new environment. Arrange furniture and personal items in a similar way to help your loved one feel more at home.

  7. Be patient: Moving can be a stressful experience, especially for the elderly. Give your loved one time to adjust to their new surroundings and provide emotional support as needed.

  8. Establish a routine: Help your elderly loved one establish a daily routine in their new home. This can provide structure and a sense of stability.

  9. Stay involved: Continue to provide support after the move, whether it's helping with daily tasks, accompanying them to appointments, or simply spending quality time together.

  10. Seek professional support: If your loved one requires additional support, consider hiring professional caregivers or exploring other resources such as adult day care programs or support groups.

Remember, every situation is unique, so adapt these tips to best suit the needs of your elderly loved one and your caregiving role.

This is a production of Habanero Media